Our Programs

College Bound
College resume building and SAT Prep.
Create a college resume that reflects the most positive you. Showcase your many aspects. College Resume assists with the compilation and expression of the student’s work, in and outside of school. Includes preparation for the SAT/ACT.
Ready Set Go!
Tutoring and literacy program focused on improving the basics; reading comprehension, writing, math and technology. Improve overall competence in one or all areas as needed.
Ages: 7 years through College

College Family
Assisting parents through the college application process.
We provide seminars assist parents as they prepare for their child to attend college. We provide a timeline of events, including the college recommended minimum class load, NCAA rules and requirements, SAT test dates and available preparatory courses and much more. Individual family consultation is also available.

Youth Elite
Physical Fitness Endurance Training Program.
Core strength, agility and flexibility for all sports. Includes off-season sport-specific training for positions.
A. Speed and Conditioning Program – Focus on developing bio-mechanics and techniques to improve speed development. Base training to help athletes translate speed into better overall performance and play.
Ages: 7 years through College
B. Power, Strength & Flexibility – Concentration on flexibility, explosive power and strength training. Overall body strength and endurance development for all sports.
Ages: 7 years through College
C. Technique Training / Sport Specific – Focus on foot work, balance, and quickness skills. Specific technique training is provided for each respective sport.
Ages: 7 years through College
Performance for Life
Overall health and wellness for all youth, regardless of expertise. Activity, nutrition & body image.

Magnificent Men
Mentorship for young men.
Annual program focuses on overall Personal GREATNESS with a focus on the mental aspects of self-perception, empowerment, and education to support a healthy lifestyle.
Program will include physical activities and will be based upon individual fitness levels, ranging from the novice to the high performance athlete. Mentorship via Coach E and select guest speakers, including professional men in various fields. Focus on overall health and wellness. Incorporates exercise, nutrition, meditation (affirmations) and academic study. Requires mandatory reading from reading list and weekly Live Journals
Ages: 13 years through College
Mentorship in Action
Connect and Inspire, is our motto as we carry a message of hope, and inspiration to youth. En mass, we bring a group of professionals (20 plus) to elementary schools to not only speak to classes, but listen and engage with the children about the areas that interest them. Contact us to discuss coming to your school.
New Vision
“Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
For Young Adults that have had a mis-step or two, but have now recommitted to a positive vision of themselves. A program to focus on mental, physical and spiritual growth. The objective is to assist each participant as they work to transform old habits into those that are new and more beneficial to themselves, their families and their community.
Magnificent Women
Self awareness through women mentor-ship, women helping young women learn about themselves and grow. A process of self-analysis and a road map to self-empowerment. Taking the young women on a guided tour of herself, and extrapolating what she finds onto the world, via dialogue, written essays and tutelage. Focus on overall health and wellness. Incorporates exercise, nutrition, meditation (affirmations) and academic study. Requires mandatory reading from reading list and weekly Live Journals.
Ages: 12 years through College

“Each day without the arts, we die a little inside.” ~Yvette Nall
“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” ~Henry Ward Beecher
History, Reflection, Expression. Such is the world of Kulturcation. Young women that have completed the womentorship of the Magnificent Women’s Program, are eligible to take the next step to self-empowerment. The program will explore historical events, as the backdrop for discussion and analysis
Ages: 13 years through College